According to most state laws, there are no ultrasound technician license requirements. Ultrasound technicians can actually work in the field without a license, and there are several ways to procure a position without any accreditation. However, as is the case in many other fields, you are more likely to earn more money if your credentials are registered. The ARDMS (American Registry of Diagnostic Sonographers) offers ultrasound technicians professional recognition. This recognition may be just the edge that you need in this growing field.
There are two ways that interested people can gain this recognition. The first way is by completing a certified educational program through the CAAHEP (Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs). Their website will show you all of the programs that are available in Diagnostic Medical Sonography in your state. You can narrow your search results depending on if you are interested in pursuing general, cardiac or vascular sonography. You can further narrow the search results by choosing whether you want to look at regular or distance/online programs.
The second way is if a student chooses to attend an educational program without CAAHEP accreditation. If this is the case, they will need an additional one year of sonography experience in a clinical setting before they can meet requirements and take ARDMS examinations. One important note about this path though is that only CAAHEP accreditation can assure that the educational program will include both the clinical and classroom experience needed.
In addition to the options listed above, there are other ways that people can become an ultrasound technician. Some hospitals will train interested applicants and offer them a position after the training. This is one of the quickest ways into the field. Other people can opt to spend two years at a technical school. Many of the technical schools offer programs that have been accredited through the CAAHEP. If you are interested in earning a bachelor’s degrees and enjoying the many advantages that accompany that sort of degree, you can obtain a Bachelor’s of Science in a sonography related field. These degrees all lead to the same field. However, the Bachelor’s of Science covers much more information than the other programs that have been mentioned.
In spite of the fact that there are no states with ultrasound technician license requirements, people who are interested in the field will normally have to complete some basic requirements. The completion of these requirements can help interested parties obtain employment. Thus, although they are not legally mandated, they are extremely important.